Eight Great Healthy Habits for Seniors

It’s never too late to start good, healthy habits! From checkups to small changes in diet, good habits help keep you healthier longer.

Eight Great Healthy Habits for Seniors

  1. Get Regular Physicals and Screenings
    Be sure to have regular checkups with your physician. Prevention goes a long way. Regular checks of cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood sugar, and regular cancer screenings can catch problems early. Be sure to report any changes in health to your physician.
  2. See Your Dentist
    Dental checkups are just as important as regular physicals. Be sure to visit your dentist every six months. The risk for cavities increases with age, and changes in dental health can also be indicators of conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. (And don’t forget to floss!)
  3. Exercise
    Even moderate exercise a few days per week can make a big difference. Regular exercise makes you stronger and more flexible, which reduces the risk of injury. Plus, exercise helps reduce instances of many diseases and boosts immunity. Even if you’ve never exercised before, you can start now! Exercise is easier when it’s fun – plan walks with a good companion, or try a dance or group exercise class.
  4. Healthy Eating
    Small changes make a big difference! Include more fiber in your diet – fruit, vegetables, and whole grains – for good digestive health. A fiber-rich breakfast can help maintain blood sugar levels throughout the day.
  5. Healthy Hydration
    Be sure to stay hydrated, too. As we age, signals for thirst aren’t quite as strong. Plus, many medications frequently taken by seniors are diuretics. Good hydration helps improve skin and muscle tone, aids digestion, and helps curb overeating.
  6. Healthy Sleeping
    Sleep is the time for the mind and body to reset and heal. If you’re not sleeping quite as much you once did, that’s normal! Seniors require less sleep than younger adults. Six hours of uninterrupted, quality sleep is ideal.
  7. Stress Reduction
    Stress happens at every age and affects every system of the body. It’s important for seniors to find outlets for relieving stress, especially if their abilities have changed. Great stress reducers for seniors include exercise, relaxing activities such as reading or games, container gardening, prayer and meditation, and socializing.
  8. Socialization
    Socialization is one of the best stress reducers and is associated with good physical and mental health in seniors. Whether you prefer to socialize in large groups or one-on-one, with family, friends, or both, it’s important to enjoy time with others!

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The all new Sunnyside Manor, located in Wall NJ, is the area’s premier senior living community. It features three distinctive neighborhoods: Independence ‘Plus’ Assisted Living, Memory Care and Skilled Nursing.

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